Pronunciation of Power & Poore in English & Scottish Accents

Because of the different backgrounds, education levels and accents, the surname Powers had many different spellings. The Power surname in America turned into many different varieties, Poer, Poar, Pore, Poor, Poore, Pair, Parr and more.

The audio files below show how easy it would have been for a census or record taker to hear something differently due to an accent. In the examples below an English and Scottish accent are used.

Power (English) - LISTEN

Pore (English) - LISTEN

Parr (English) - LISTEN

Pair (English) - LISTEN

Poore (English) - LISTEN

Power (Scottish) - LISTEN

Pore (Scottish) - LISTEN

Parr (Scottish) - LISTEN

Pair (Scottish) - LISTEN

Poore (Scottish) - LISTEN
