Y-DNA backed data showing the connection to the
Jeremiah Poer (1754-1850) family line in North Carolina.
B:1770 Sullivan, North Carolina / Tennessee
D:1860 Tazewell, Claiborne, Tennessee
More information about Jesse Poore’s family can be found here: http://www.PooreFamilyHistory.com
Additional Update & Previous Report:
This is the second update to the information that we previously released about the possibilities of who Jesse Poore’s parents were. The information in that report, including early DNA results are still valid. It also includes other circumstantial evidence that is very interesting in this research.
This report includes some of the previous information but also includes more detailed Big Y-DNA results.
You can find the 1st report here:
There have been multiple family trees that have listed Jesse Poore 1770-1860 as the son of Joseph Poore 1737-1795 and Margaret Boynton Bailey 1738-1818 of Essex, Massachusetts. While they did have a son named Jesse born around the same time, this isn’t the same Jesse that was born in North Carolina and died in Tennessee. We haven’t found any evidence to back up this claim.
We have had a few low-level DNA matches that tie into the Poore line from Massachusetts. He is distantly related but our DNA testing with Jesse Poore’s direct descendants show much stronger ties to another family that was in much closer proximity.
One more thing to keep in mind when looking at this information, the surname names Poore, Poor, Poer, Poher, Powers, Power and other variations are related and often interchangeable. The different accents and education levels of those recording the names on documents led to various spellings through the centuries.
Based on DNA evidence (Autosomal & Y-DNA) of the sources listed below, we believe two options are possible:
Option 1:
Jeremiah Poer 1754-1850 is the father of Jesse Poore 1770-1860.
Option 2:
James Poer 1755-1811 (Jeremiah’s brother), Edward Poer 1735-1834 (Father of Jeremiah, James) or an unknown brother is the father of Jesse Poore 1770-1860.
Sources will be listed as Name (DNA Source) when presenting the DNA evidence.
· Y-DNA matches are only passed down through male family members.
· A haplogroup is a genetic population group consisting of people who share a common ancestor on either the paternal or maternal line.
Keven Poore
A direct descendant of Jeremiah Poer (1754-1850)
His line to Jeremiah Poer:
· Jeremiah Poer 1754-1850 (Wife: Elizabeth Hester)
· Jeremiah "Jerry" Poer Jr. 1802-1837
· Jeremiah M Pore 1832-1880
· Alfred Leroy Poore 1874-1956
· John Walter Poore 1906-1958
· Arthur Leroy Poore 1932-2001
· Keven Poore (DNA Source)
Keith Dwayne Wilcox
A direct descendant of Jesse Poore (1770-1860)
His line to Jesse Poore:
· Jesse Poore 1770-1860 (1st Wife: Unknown)
· John Poore 1810-1879
· Jesse Poore 1834-1866 / Barbara Ann Galloway 1842-1888
· Jesse A. Wilcox 1865-1950 (Poore Y-DNA)
· Willard E Wilcox 1892-1976 (Poore Y-DNA)
· Carroll Edward Wilcox 1921–1990 (Poore Y-DNA)
· Keith Dwayne Wilcox (Poore Y-DNA) (DNA Source)
Lee Poore
A direct descendant of Jesse Poore (1770-1860)
His line to Jesse Poore:
· Jesse Poore 1770-1860 (1st Wife: Unknown)
· Robert Poore 1797-1848
· Isaac Poore 1829-1880
· Isaac R Poore 1859-1928
· Burnie Clinton Poore 1898-1955
· Henry Willard Poore 1931-1999
· Lee Poore (DNA Source)
Albert G. Poore
A direct descendant of Jesse Poore (1770-1860)
His line to Jesse Poore:
· Jesse Poore 1770-1860 (1st Wife: Unknown)
· Robert Poore 1797-1848
· Isaac Poore 1829-1880
· Robert Poore 1846-1932
· Isaac Poore 1875-1963
· Albert G. Poore (DNA Source)
Donnie George Poore
A direct descendant of Jesse Poore (1770-1860)
His line to Jesse Poore:
· Jesse Poore 1770-1860 (2nd Wife: Mary Morris 1800-1870)
· Mason Greenleaf Poore 1817-1872
· Thomas Craig Poore 1851-1910
· Martin Vanburen Poore 1876-1941
· Joseph Von Poore 1907-1979
· Donnie George Poore (DNA Source)
The Y-DNA testing was done through FamilyTreeDNA.com
Big Y-700 Tests
Jesse Poore's (1770-1860) family line descends from haplogroup I-Y43930 / FT202786
Jeremiah Poer's (1754-1850) family line also descends from haplogroup I-Y43930 / FT202786
- Albert G. Poore, Lee Poore and Keith Dwayne Wilcox are descendants through Jesse Poore's first marriage.
- Keven Poore is a descendant of Jeremiah Poer.
The DNA for Albert G. Poore and Lee Poore mutated slightly and created a new branch named I-FT176187. They are listed in one column together.
Keith Dwayne Wilcox and Keven Poore stayed with the same I-Y43930 branch and they are listed in one column together.
Only 5 do not match out of 686 Big Y STRs.
681 Big Y STRs out of 686 match between Keith Dwayne Wilcox and Keven Poore.
Only 5 do not match out of 686 Big Y STRs.
645 Big Y STRs out of 650 match between Albert G. Poore and Keven Poore.
Only 3 do not match out of 686 Big Y STRs.
653 Big Y STRs out of 656 match between Lee Poore and Keven Poore.
Y-DNA 111 Marker Tests
· Keith Dwayne Wilcox (DNA Source) descendant of Jesse Poore (1770-1860)
· Keven Poore (DNA Source), descendant of Jeremiah Poer (1754-1850)
Out of 111 Y-DNA markers, only 3 do not match. 108 DNA markers do match between Keith Dwayne Wilcox and Keven Poore.
Based on a Genetic Distance of 3 at the Y-111 test level, Keven Poore and Keith Dwayne Wilcox are estimated to share a common paternal line ancestor who was, with a 95% probability, born between 1600 and 1900 CE. The most likely year is rounded to 1750 CE. This date is an estimate based on genetic information only.
· Lee Poore (DNA Source) descendant of Jesse Poore (1770-1860)
· Keven Poore (DNA Source), descendant of Jeremiah Poer (1754-1850)
Out of 111 Y-DNA markers, only 4 do not match. 107 DNA markers do match between Albert G. Poore and Keven Poore.
· Albert G. Poore (DNA Source) descendant of Jesse Poore (1770-1860)
· Keven Poore (DNA Source), descendant of Jeremiah Poer (1754-1850)
Out of 111 Y-DNA markers, only 4 do not match. 107 DNA markers do match between Albert G. Poore and Keven Poore.
· Donnie George Poore (DNA Source) descendant of Jesse Poore (1770-1860)
· Keven Poore (DNA Source), descendant of Jeremiah Poer (1754-1850)
Out of 111 Y-DNA markers, only 5 do not match. 106 DNA markers do match between Donnie George Poore and Keven Poore.
The Y-DNA testing results solidify Jesse Poore’s connection to the Jeremiah Poer (1754-1850).
Jeremiah would have had Jesse Poore (1770-1860) when he was 16 years old with an unknown woman and in my opinion, he may have named him Jesse but didn't have much to do with him because he was so young and possibly unprepared to raise a son. Jesse more than likely grew up with his mother and her family. When Jeremiah married 20 years later and started having a family, he named two sons Jesse, possibly as recognition to his first son Jesse Poore (1770).
Later, once Jesse Poore (1770) was older, he more than likely re-connected with Jeremiah's family and his much younger brothers and sisters.
Eventually, this rekindled family connection led to Jeremiah Poer’s first son, Edward Lucious Poer to travel from North Carolina to Kingsport, Tennessee to marry Sarah Morris which is where her sister Mary Morris and her Husband Jesse Poore (1770-1860) lived.
Eventually, some of Jesse's children as well as Edward Lucious Poer and his family move to Indiana and Illinois which must have meant there was a strong connection between them.
There is more information and circumstantial evidence in our first report.
If you have more information about Jesse Poore please contact us at contact@poorefamilyhistory.com
The most updated information (Including a downloadable version)
will always be available at www.PooreFamilyHistory.com
Copyright 2023 Dr. Ross Poore, Ryan Poore
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