Jesse Poore's (1770-1860) land location in North Carolina


Rockford, North Carolina was the location of the regional courthouse mentioned in the records below.

May 19, 1804 Court Record

Surry County, North Carolina
Jesse Poor
Leonard Davis (Assignee) vs Augustine Lawley?
"Jesse Poor a witness for the plaintiff proves 4 days & 46 miles."

NOTE: The line listing Jesse "Proves days & 46 miles" is more than likely the travel distance and time taken to travel to the courthouse and back to his home. In this case he more than likely travel 23 miles to the courthouse oneway

Next Case on the next page.

Samuel Kerby vs. William and James Thornton 
NOTE: Samuel Kerby was listed in the property dispute (Below) that Jesse was listed in and he is also listed in Robert Hester's probate.

In 1805 Jesse Poore was listed as a bordering property owner in a land dispute in Surry County, North Carolina between Samuel Kerby (In Robert Hester's probate) and William Moreland. John Hicks (In Robert Hester's probate).  Robert Hester is the father-in-law of Jeremiah Poer (1754-1850) who is Jesse Poore's father or directly related to his father (Brother etc.) DNA Test results here.


Surry County, North Carolina land records help tie down a location to where Jesse Poore's property more than likely was located near Huntsville, North Carolina just West of Winston-Salem, NC.

Laban Hicks / John Hicks Land Record

Name Laban Hicks

Issue Date 30 Aug 1802

Residence Place Surry, North Carolina, USA

Certificate Number Range 2068-2307

Description Surry 2068-2307

Laban Hicks land listing which lists John Hicks and William Hicks in the description of the survey.


Read more detail from the original document here:

"On the Waters of Deep Creek." is also mentioned in the Samuel Kerby land description below.



Samuel Kerby Land Record

Name Samuel Kerby

70 acres

On the road leading from Huntsville to Salem. Land joins his own land and William Moreland.

NOTE: This land grant happened in 1811 (After the property court case) but it does mention the property "Joins his own land" which shows his existing property in the same area. 


Issue Date 21 Dec 1811

Residence Place Surry, North Carolina, USA

Certificate Number Range 2561-2802

Description Surry 2561-2802


Read more detail from the original document here:



Based on the details of the court cases, the names listed in the cases and the land grant descriptions, Jesse Poore's North Carolina property was more than likely located near Huntsville, North Carolina.

